St Colman’s Primary School
Parent Questionnaire
Number |
Question |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Don’t Know |
1 |
My child is well settled in school. |
93% |
5.2% |
1.5% |
2 |
My child is encouraged to respect and value the opinions and views of others |
89% |
10.4% |
0.7% |
3 |
If my child feels unwell or unhappy in school, the staff will deal with the situation effectively |
78% |
16% |
0.7% |
5% |
4 |
If my child is being bullied, the staff have procedures to deal with it effectively |
62% |
19% |
19% |
5 |
The work my child is asked to do is matched to his/her ability |
76.1% |
22.3% |
0.7% |
0.7% |
6 |
I am satisfied that my child can cope with the homework that he/she is given |
80% |
19% |
1.5% |
7 |
My child’s work is marked appropriately |
87% |
13% |
8 |
I am informed regularly about the life and work of the school |
78% |
22% |
0.7% |
9 |
The school provides opportunities for extracurricular activities e.g. Trips |
75% |
22% |
1.5% |
0.7% |
10 |
My child is making progress in line with their ability |
81% |
17% |
1.5% |
11 |
This school is well thought of in the community |
91% |
6.7% |
2.2% |
12 |
I am provided with updates of my child’s progress |
59% |
35% |
3.7% |
1.5% |
0.7% |
13 |
The school prepares the children well for the next stage of their school career |
78% |
16.4% |
0.7% |
5.2% |
14 |
The school sets high standards in its work |
84% |
14.9% |
0.7% |
154 Questionnaires issued randomly to classes P1- 7 including both MLD groups.
Each class sent home 10 with MLD 1 sending out 4.
87% return
45% of those returned contained additional comments.
1 response is 0.7%
After deliberation we decided to issue questionnaires via paper to ensure a high return rate. We considered Survey Monkey however it was felt at this busy time of year that parents were more likely to complete and submit a paper version.
We are very pleased with the responses and as always we will work hard to address any issues arising from this survey.
Question 1: My child is well settled in school
We are delighted that the very vast majority of your children are well settled in school. We try to make St. Colman’s a family school where all are cherished and supported.
Question 2: My child is encouraged to respect and value the opinions and views of others
Excellent response. We are very proud of our ethos in St. Colman’s. We will continue to teach our children to value diversity, tolerance, self- respect and respect for others.
Question 3: If my child feels unwell or unhappy in school, the staff will deal with the situation effectively.
Another excellent and affirming response. Some parents commented that their child had never been unwell in school so had no experience to support them answering the question. The school will always have the children at the centre and in the event of illness will err on the side of caution.
Question 4: If my child is being bullied, the staff have procedures to deal with it effectively.
We are delighted with this response- we take our anti-bullying policy and strategy very seriously. We discuss this issue during PDMU and other curricular time. We also promote Anti-Bullying week each year. We have a very active and committed Safeguarding Team. The Playground Buddy system is in operation from May 2017. Parents are encouraged to bring their concerns to the school over this or any other issue. 19% of responses noted “Don’t know”- this is pleasing as it suggests their child/children have no experience of bullying.
Question 5: The work my child is asked to do is matched to his/her ability
A very positive response. The teachers work hard to plan and prepare lessons which take account of the children’s continuing and differing needs. The children are challenged and also supported. We encourage the children to produce their best in all activities. One parent responded that the work was not matched to their child’s ability.
Question 6: I am satisfied that my child can cope with the homework that he/she is given
Normally this question can divide parental opinion- often some parents want less homework whilst others prefer more!! The responses we received suggest our preparation of homework is working well. We remain committed to homework for the following reasons
It instils good learning habits for life
It allows children to consolidate skills learnt in class
It engages and informs parents about their child’s current learning
It provides opportunities for children to pursue their own line of enquiry to support a topic theme
It can increase a pupil’s enthusiasm for learning by catering for a wide range of learning styles
It can develop essential skills for children’s further education
Question 7: My child’s work is marked appropriately
This is a very encouraging response. We have worked on our Marking Policy recently to ensure a common approach. Marking sums up the child’s performance in an activity but more importantly provides direction for continued improvement.
Question 8: I am informed regularly about the life and work of the school
Our state of the art website is refreshed and updated daily. The informational Friday note is to provide information for the forthcoming week and specific events whereas we try to provide greater entertainment to the school community via our school website. The staff upload pictures and snapshots of school life often. Many events are hosted throughout the year which develop the school within the community and promote the social aspect of school life e.g. Fun nights, School fetes, Shared Education Numeracy events, Sacramental Meetings and PA events amongst others.
Question 9: The school provides opportunities for extracurricular activities e.g. Trips
Again a very positive response to this question. Each Year Group organises at least one trip within the year based upon the particular topic covered. It is difficult to provide after school classes for our younger children but this year we have provided ipad club, gardening club, Irish dancing and Healthy Kidz. We are aiming to provide an after school language club next year in French or Spanish. More details will follow.
Question 10: My child is making progress in line with their ability
98% of replies agreed or strongly agreed with this statement. 2 parents responded with “Don’t Know”. The data received from question 12 provides further information about progress based communication between home and school.
Question 11: This school is well thought of in the community.
A fantastic response. We work very hard in school to ensure the children receive the very best. The children are our finest ambassadors. We have great links with our Parish and Shared Education partners. Our children are well behaved, mannerly and courteous. They bring these attributes to all events and to their post- primary schools after they transfer. Our relationship with our post-primary colleagues is very effective. We have many outreach support visitors to our school e.g. Educational Psychologist, Down Outreach, Sports Coaches and Music Tutors amongst others- they all comment on our excellent school and wonderful children.
Question 12: I am provided with updates of my child’s progress.
94% of respondents indicated “Agree” or “Strongly agree” which is very positive. However a number of parents commented on the lack of progress meetings or opportunities for progress updates. We provide a curriculum evening in late September, a formal parent meeting in November/December and a formal written report In June. Importantly parents are reminded that staff are very happy to meet with them at any stage throughout the year by appointment to discuss progress, concerns or issues. Parents are encouraged to avail of this opportunity. SEN “IEP” meetings are held termly with the parent and class teacher and these are a valuable means of communication. Assessments are held throughout the year and completed formally in May. The results of these are analysed by staff and used to direct future teaching and learning. They are a very important means of measuring school progress. The Accelerated Reading (AR) Programme has been excellent in boosting the children’s reading attainments and provides on-going data regarding children’s reading ages and skill acquisition. A formal AR parent meeting is to be hosted in mid-September of 2017.
The teachers target set for their classes and individual children in September and track progress throughout the year. Analysing data and children’s on-going class performance is fundamental to this. The staff are highly skilled in identifying those children having difficulty with their learning and communicate this with parents promptly in order that interventions can be put in place. Homework books are an excellent means of providing prompt communication between home and school.
The school’s SLT will study the timing of the formal Parent/Teacher meeting to see when it is of greatest value but again parents are encouraged to discuss their child’s work/progress at any stage.
Question 13: The school prepares the children well for the next stage of their school career
This is a very affirming response with 95% noting a positive response. 5% of parents recorded “Don’t Know” as they have not experienced the latter stages and transition from primary to post-primary.
Question 14: The school sets high standards in its work.
This is a core value for all of us in St. Colman’s and pleasingly 99% of parents have affirmed this. We do try and promote high standards in all we do and aim for our children to be the very best they can be. We will continue to “put our best foot forward”.
Parental Comments
Once again we received lots of written feedback both positive and constructive. Thank you very much for this. Overall there was vastly far more consensus about the school’s strengths, with particular mentions for the school’s strong sense of community, its caring, enthusiastic and motivated staff and its warm and welcoming atmosphere. The new school website and the Accelerated Reader Programme featured in many responses.
Particular areas identified for development related to reporting progress, on-going accommodation issues and further improving communication. This will feed into further discussions with staff and Governors and will be addressed within the new School Improvement Plan.
We are also extremely grateful for the positive feedback we receive during the year either in person or in writing. Your very positive responses affirm the work we do and the efforts of the entire school community. We value all feedback. If you do have any further comments or suggestions to make then do contact either myself or Mr. Crouch.
This is an outstanding school. We are all committed to making it even better.
Thank you
Stephen Baine
School Principal
Some quotes taken from parental feedback (Can be viewed upon request)
“I have nothing about good words for this school. My son made a very big transition from another school and settled in very quickly. I know he feels valued and cared for.”
“Knowing your children are safe and happy is priceless…”
“I think it is very positive to have a visible Principal”
“St. Colman’s is a very child-centred school… any issues or concerns are promptly highlighted to parents”
“School life for my child has been a treasured experience.”
“We are also grateful to the fantastic support staff who are very kind in dealing with any queries.”
“I feel the gap between the December parent meeting and June is too big.”
“I think and have always thought the children get too much homework.”
“I would like all schools to provide more sports and exercise as part of the curriculum.”
“The Friday note basically tells Pupil of the Week and the dinners and is quite dull.”
“The school has a great way of settling standards for each individual child and I think this works in a fantastic way.”
“I love the new website… it is so cheerful and easy to navigate.”
“We are very happy with the standards of reading, learning and pastoral care that St. Colman’s delivers.”