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Please find below our most recent inspection report (October 2024).

St Colman's Lambeg Inspection Report - October 2015

Here are some excerpts from our recent ETI Inspection. We are delighted with the comments of the Inspectorate and that our care for our children was recognised.

The children’s behaviour and disposition to learn are both excellent: they embody the school’s vision of educating ‘confident, secure, caring individuals, who will develop the skills to continue their learning journey’.



The school’s performance data shows that almost all children make progress in English and mathematics in line with their ability or above expectation.


Pastoral care in the school is outstanding. It is characterised by an ethos of inclusion, respect and trust. Among the many strengths of the provision is the priority given to promoting the voice of the child in the life and work of the school: the children undertake leadership roles and make regular positive contributions to school improvement through initiatives, such as the playground buddies, Eco-council and the children’s forum.


The school has strong working relationships with parents and the wider community within and beyond the parish of Derriaghy. The quality of these relationships is evidenced notably in the inspirational outdoor learning area and classroom opened earlier in 2015, which was built with the support of the children, staff, parents and local people working together. The facility is a source of pride to the school community and, aside from enhancing the educational provision and the children’s health and well-being, is a resource used effectively to welcome guests into the school and to share learning.


On the basis of the evidence available at the time of the inspection, the school has comprehensive arrangements in place for safeguarding children.


The school has a high level of capacity for sustained improvement in the interest of all the learners.
