Our Playground Buddies
on duty
Our Playground Buddies receiving their certificates
and their Buddy vests.
Buddies attended 3 training sessions before being appointed a Playground Buddy
Training Session Aims
Agree on rules for working together and playground rules.
Become familiar with buddy roles and responsibilities in the playground.
Participate in Role Play dealing with playground situations.
Identify the skills and qualities needed to communicate and co-operate effectively with others.
Learn skills to help buddies be assertive.
Learn skills to help buddies manage anger.
During our Buddy training sessions, our buddies devised these playground rules.
St Colman’s Playground Rules
We are gentle – we don’t hurt others
We are kind and helpful – we don’t hurt anybody’s feelings
We play well with others – we keep our hands and feet to ourselves
We include everyone – we respect everyone’s opinion
We respect the playground and equipment
We put our litter in the bin
We co-operate with Supervisors and Buddies
We are honest – we never cover up the truth
Playground supervisors and Buddies work in all playgrounds at break and lunch times to encourage safe and co-operative play.
We want all pupils to enjoy a pleasant playtime.
Buddies work on a rota system and are on duty twice a week. Duty consists of breaktime and lunchtime and buddies alternate between the Keystage 1 and 2 playgrounds.
You can see our buddies working together to complete the training so that they can carry out the role to the best of their ability!