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Playground Buddies

Our Playground Buddies

on duty 

Our Playground Buddies receiving their certificates

and their Buddy vests.

  • Buddies completed application forms indicating their suitability for the position
  • Application forms were accompanied by references - one from an adult and one from a friend


Buddies attended 3 training sessions before being appointed a Playground Buddy

Training Session Aims


  • Agree on rules for working together and playground rules.


  • Become familiar with buddy roles and responsibilities in the playground.


  • Participate in Role Play dealing with playground situations.


  • Identify the skills and qualities needed to communicate and co-operate effectively with others.


  • Learn skills to help buddies be assertive.


  • Learn skills to help buddies manage anger.

During our Buddy training sessions, our buddies devised these playground rules.

St Colman’s Playground Rules

  • We are gentle – we don’t hurt others

  • We are kind and helpful – we don’t hurt anybody’s feelings

  • We play well with others – we keep our hands and feet to ourselves

  • We include everyone – we respect everyone’s opinion

  • We respect the playground and equipment

  • We put our litter in the bin

  • We co-operate with Supervisors and Buddies

  • We are honest – we never cover up the truth

  • We treat people as we would like to be treated ourselves


Playground supervisors and Buddies work in all playgrounds at break and lunch times to encourage safe and co-operative play.


We want all pupils to enjoy a pleasant playtime.



Buddies work on a rota system and are on duty twice a week. Duty consists of breaktime and lunchtime and buddies alternate between the Keystage 1 and 2 playgrounds.

You can see our buddies working together to complete the training so that they can carry out the role to the best of their ability!
