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P3 Mrs Casey

 Welcome to our Primary 3 class page 


Our first day of Primary 3

We loved moving around the stations in our Phonics carousel looking at CVC words. We were able to read and recognise CVC words.

We have enjoyed learning about the counties in Ireland and The Giant’s Causeway. We continued to develop our knowledge of these areas during our activity based learning.

We have really been enjoying our Core online PE lessons. This week we were focusing on Highland dancing.

Still image for this video

We love using the Chromebooks in our classroom. 💻

This week we read The Children Of Lir. We really enjoy this and wanted to find out more about the different characters, how they felt and why they did what they did. So we used hot seating which allowed children to become the character and for their peers to ask questions. This was a great activity.🦢🦢🦢🦢🤴

We have been enjoying our Italian lessons with Rosa every week. 🇮🇹

1. The stable hoedown

2. Working in a stable

3. Clip-clop little donkey.

4. Mary's lullaby

5. Three wise men

6. If you think you're not important

7. Prickly hay

8. Christmas is for you
