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P5 Miss Haughey

Welcome to Miss Haughey's Class Page!

World Book Day 2020! For World Book Day this year we all dressed up as adjectives, we had so much fun thinking of adjectives to dress as and the getting our costumes sorted. We think we look great, what do you think?

Welcome to the Reader's Café! Our classroom transformed into a French Café today. We took part in a 'Book Tasting' activity where we 'tasted' a little bit of lots of different books. We explored lots of genres and then discussed and reviewed each one. We now know all about genres of text and have had a chance to read books that we wouldn't usually pick off the shelf. It was lots of fun and we even got a chocolate chip cookie afterwards. We were in a Café after all!

Fab fractions! We have been exploring fractions using Custard Creams, Oreos and Haribos. It was so much fun!

Ditch the Dark Day!

We all know how to stay 'Fire Safe' now after our visit from the Firefighters!

7 times tables doo doo doo do do!

Still image for this video

Our 6 times tables song! Do you know what the tune is?

Still image for this video

Ditch the Dark Day!

We have been very busy looking at the artwork of Henry Rousseau and recreating it using oil pastels, paint and chalk!

Happy Halloween!

We did a very special assembly for the school all about how to look after our mental health. We taught all the children lots of different strategies that they can use if they are ever feeling upset, worried or angry.

Symmetry Fun!

We have been investigating Procedural Writing in class. We wrote instructions on how to make a fruit salad and then made our very own fruit salads in class. They were yummy!

We had a visit today from some 'Wee Critters'. We had lots of fun looking at and touching all the different animals. Although we got a little scared when Trevor the Tarantula was brought out! It was really interesting and we found out lots of new information to help us with our Animal Classification topic.

Our First Class Photo!

We had great fun playing games to help us understand verb tenses :)

Curriculum Evening Powerpoint
